Introduction is owned and operated by Elektronika DP Elektronika JSC, having its main office in Lviv, B. Khmelnitskogo str. 176, Ukraine. By using the Site you signify your consent to these Terms.
Using this Site is free. This Site is dedicated to all Elektronika DP Elektronika JSC partners. Data presented in this Site orginate from public sources published by the producers and scientific sources. According to the company’s best knowledge and intentions, these data can be regarded as reliable.
Elektronika DP Elektronika JSC puts a lot of effort in creating and maintaining this Site, and in providing accurate and up-to-date content. However, the company cannot guarantee that the data is correct and actual, therefore the user should be aware of its informative nature. The content does not constitute our offer in the meaning of the Civil Code. Under no circumstances shall Elektronika DP Elektronika JSC be liable for any loss caused by usage of this Site without consultation with our sales department or technical department.
The only official source of information about the products are the materials published by the producers of the appliances and components.
Elektronika DP Elektronika JSC retains all proprietary rights to the Site, excluding some of the data presented. Copyrights to the data presented in this Site, especially names, logotypes, pictures, technical drawings, etc. may be in possession of Third Persons, however the data are presented with their permission.
You may not make any commercial, contradictory to Elektronika DP Elektronika JSC goals, use of this Site or it’s elements without the prior written consent.