After harvesting, fruits continue to live; they respire, meaning they absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. The storage period can be extended by reducing the intensity of respiration. To achieve this, produce is typically cooled. However, this isn't always sufficiently effective. Cooling must be accompanied by additional methods, one of which is maintaining specific levels of oxygen and CO2.
Reducing the presence of oxygen in the chamber has an inhibitory effect on the fruit's oxidation process, yet there's a certain threshold below which anaerobic respiration resumes. Hence, it's crucial to maintain the oxygen content in the chamber as close to the minimum level as possible, individualized for each type of produce.
Another physiological effect is the gradual conversion of sucrose into fructose, which, during fruit storage in an environment with elevated CO2 content, is slowed down. As a result, the fruit retains its firmness and most of its components. This also explains why fruits stored in a controlled atmosphere maintain their quality over a significant period.
Storage in a controlled atmosphere leads to a 2-3 times reduction in the intensity of metabolic processes, significantly extending the storage period. At the end of storage, the fruits remain as tasty and fresh as they were at the beginning.
The application of controlled atmosphere for storing grapes, oranges, lemons, kiwis, apples, pears, tomatoes, and cabbage yields excellent results. Therefore, in the present day, the construction of new cold storage units or vegetable storage facilities, as well as the reconstruction and modernization of existing ones, involves the implementation of a Controlled Gas Environment for the long-term preservation of fruits and vegetables.